www.gusucode.com > muon generator源码程序 > muon generator源码程序/Geant4_Muon_histogram_generation_v1.m

%   Geant4-MATLAB muon generator file (Version 1).
%   This MATLAB script has been developed to facilitate the generation of the 
%   muon energy and angular histograms use with the Geant4 macro file. 
%   The script generates a look-up table that contains the sampled muon 
%   angles and energies as well as histograms for muon angular and energy distributions.
%   This muon generation is based on a methodology that combines the 
%   Smith & Duller (1959) phenomenological model and statistical sampling 
%   algorithms. The inverse transform provides a means to generate samples from the 
%   muon angular distribution. The Acceptance-Rejection method is used to 
%   provide the energy component. Final output provides the user defined 
%   histograms for use in the Geant4 macro file.
%   For non-standard energy and angular distributions Geant4 requires the 
%   utilization of the General Particle Source module which via the 
%   G4GeneralParticleSource class allows specification of user defined 
%   angular and energy distributions. The user defined histograms are 
%   specified in macro files using the following commands:
%   1.	/gps/particle mu+ 	      (specify particle type)
%   2.	/gps/ang/type user 	      (user defined histogram)
%   3.	/gps/hist/type theta 	  (zenith angle histogram)
%   4.	/gps/hist/point Bt Wt 	  (angular histogram values)
%   5.	/gps/ene/type Arb 	      (user defined histogram)
%   6.	/gps/hist/type arb 	      (point-wise energy spectrum)
%   7.	/gps/hist/point Eh Hh 	  (energy spectrum values)
%   8.	/gps/hist/inter Lin 	  (interpolation scheme: Linear)
%   9.	/run/beamOn 1000	      (number of particles)
%   where a short explanation of each command appears in parentheses. 
%   The histograms represent differential functions and must be included 
%   one bin at a time. Angular histogram is described using the bin upper 
%   boundary and the area of the bin. Energy spectrum (point-wise) is 
%   described using the bin center and the height of the bin. The first 
%   value of each histogram must be the lower boundary of the bin and a 
%   dummy value that is not used.
%   Instructions: Run the file. On the command line set the minimum and 
%   maximum muon energy and the minimum and maximum zenith angle. 
%   Output:
%   1. The output "Muon_table" matrix contains the angles and energies 
%      of the sampled muons
%   2. The "User_defined_hist_energy" matrix contains the point-wise energy
%      (MeV) spectrum for the Geant4 macro file. Just copy paste to your Geant4 
%      macro file.
%   3. The "User_defined_hist_angle" matrix contains the zenith
%      angle (radians) histogram for the Geant4 macro file. Just copy paste to your 
%      Geant4 macro file. 
%   This file is free for use. More details, examples and validation results 
%   can be found on the journal papers:
%   S. Chatzidakis, S. Chrysikopoulou, L.H. Tsoukalas (2015)
%   "Developing a cosmic ray muon sampling capability for muon tomography
%   and monitoring applications", Annals of Nuclear Energy, to appear
%   S. Chatzidakis, L.H. Tsoukalas (2015)
%   "A Geant4-MATLAB muon generator for Monte-Carlo simulations", 
%    Transactions of American Nuclear Society, Vol. 113, to appear
%   Users are kindly requested to cite the above journal papers in their
%   publications. Please comment. Thank you!
clear all;clc;
%   Set minimum and maximum muon energy (Validated range 1-100 GeV)
Emin=input('Enter minimum muon energy (GeV):');
Emax=input('Enter maximum muon energy (GeV):');
%   Set minimum and maximum muon zenith angle (Range 0-90o)
Theta_min=input('Enter minimum muon zenith angle (degrees):');
Theta_max=input('Enter maximum muon zenith angle (degrees):');
%   Set the desirable number of muons to be sampled
%    Phenomenological model constants
Alpha=0.002382;              % constant A
lambda=120;                  % absorption mean free path 120 g/cm2
kappa=2.645;                 % exponent (-)
bp=0.771; jp=148.16;         % correction factor (-); factor (GeV)
alpha = 0.0025;              % muon energy loss in GeV/g/cm2
rho = 0.76;                  % fraction of pion energy that is transferred to muon
y0=1000;                     % atmoshperic depth g/cm2
bm=0.8;Bm=1.041231831;       % correction factor (-); 
%   Inverse trasform and Accept-Reject method
q=1;     % initialize
%   Inverse trasform to sample muon zenith angle
for i=1:N
theta(i)=acos((1-tm1)^(1/3));        % select muon angle (in radians) using inverse transform
%   Calculate maximum value of phenomenological model
C3=trapz(Em,f);                                                      % normalization constant for f
C4=max(f);                                                           % maximum value of phenomenological model
%   Accept-Reject method to sample muon energy 
%  (for the previously selected muon angle theta)
for k=1:1000000                       
    Em1=(Emin+(Emax-Emin)*rand());                       % select a random energy from uniform U(Emin,Emax)
    u=rand();                                            % select a random number from uniform U(0,1)
    Ep1=(Em1+alpha*y0*(sec(theta(i))-0.1))*(1/rho);     % calculate pion energy
    Pm1=(0.1*cos(theta(i))*(1-(alpha*(y0*sec(theta(i))-100)/(rho*Ep1))))^(Bm/((rho*Ep1+100*alpha)*cos(theta(i))));   % calculate probability
    f1=(1/C3)*Alpha*Pm1*(Ep1^(-kappa))*lambda*bp*jp/(Ep1*cos(theta(i))+bp*jp);    % calculate intensity based on sampled energy and angle             
    f3=f1/f2;                                            % f(y)/g(y)=f1/f2 where g(y)>f(y)
    if u<=f3                                             % if u<=f(y)/g(y) then set X=Y
        Muon_Energy(q)=Em1;                              % accept energy
%   Create a lookup table: 1st column is sampled muon angle (radians), 
%   second column is sampled muon energy (GeV)
%   Set bin size and produce histograms for plotting
bin1=2*(numel(Muon_Energy)^(1/3));                           % bin size for energies selected according to Rice rule
C1=C/trapz(x2,C);                                            % normalization of the histogram
bin8=2*(numel(theta)^(1/3));                                 % bin size for angles selected according to Rice rule
C9=C8/trapz(x8,C8);                                          % normalization of the histogram
%   Calculate bin size and bin area for angular histogram
bin_size=(max(theta)-min(theta))/numel(x8);              % bin size            
C10(1)=0;                                                % dummy value
C10(2:(numel(x8)+1))=bin_size.*C9;                       % area of bin
x9(1)=min(theta);                                        % first bin lower boundary
x9(2:(numel(x8)+1))=x8+(bin_size/2);                     % bin upper boundary
%   Calculate bin center and height for point-wise energy spectrum
x3(1)=x2(1);                                             % first bin value
x3(2:(numel(x2)+1))=x2;                                  % bin centers
C2(1)=0;                                                 % dummy value
C2(2:(numel(x2)+1))=C1;                                  % bin height
%   Generate commands for use in Geant4 macro files
C3=repmat(['/gps/hist/point'], numel(x3),1);
C11=repmat(['/gps/hist/point'], numel(x9),1);
%   Generate energy point wise spectrum (in MeV)
User_defined_hist_energy=[char(C3) blanks(numel(x3'))' num2str(x3'.*1000) blanks(numel(C2'))' num2str(C2')];
%   Generate zenith angle histogram (in radians)
User_defined_hist_angle=[char(C11) blanks(numel(x9'))' num2str(x9') blanks(numel(C10'))' num2str(C10')];
%   Plot histograms
plot(x8,C9,'o')                                           % plot distribution of zenith angles
xlabel('Zenith angle (rad)')
ylabel('Arbitrary units')
loglog(x2,C1,'o')                                         % plot distribution of energies
xlabel('Energy (GeV)')
ylabel('Arbitrary units')
%   Clear workspace
clearvars -except Muon_table User_defined_hist_energy User_defined_hist_angle    % clear workspace